As the winter holiday season approaches area police will be stepping up their DUI enforcement efforts throughout your state. If you are going to be out drinking take a cab home or bring along your breathalyzer and test yourself before driving.
Depending on your state, a DUI conviction comes with steep penalties for even first time offenders, including up to one year in jail, up to $2500 in fines, a six month license suspension and mandatory use of a breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
When pulling over drivers police officers look for a variety of indicators to spot potential drunk drivers, these include:
- Turning widely
- Braking erratically
- Driving without headlights
- Weaving, swerving, drifting out of the lanes
- Straddling the center line
- Responding slowly to a change in traffic signals
- Turning abruptly
- Accelerating or decelerating rapidly
Don't have a breathalyzer? We offer personal breathalyzers right here at Q3ATS. Looking for a professional breathalyzer? The AlcoHAWK PT500 is used by police officers to do roadside screening of potential drunk drivers.
Source: 24-7 Press Release, Approaching Holiday Season Means Increased DUI Patrols in Illinois