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Blog - - Approaching Holiday Season Means Increased DUI Patrols | AlcoHAWK Breathalyzers

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: BACtrack has acquired the AlcoHAWK brand and will now fulfill all AlcoHAWK breathalyzer calibration orders. Order breathalyzer calibration here. AlcoHAWK breathalyzers are no longer available for purchase. You can now buy AlcoHAWK breathalyzer mouthpieces here or get a new BACtrack breathalyzer.
By Quest Products Nov 19, 2010 9:56:29 AM
DUI Patrol
DUI Patrol, photo by: Steven Damron

As the winter holiday season approaches area police will be stepping up their DUI enforcement efforts throughout your state. If you are going to be out drinking take a cab home or bring along your breathalyzer and test yourself before driving.

Depending on your state, a DUI conviction comes with steep penalties for even first time offenders, including up to one year in jail, up to $2500 in fines, a six month license suspension and mandatory use of a breath alcohol ignition interlock device.

When pulling over drivers police officers look for a variety of indicators to spot potential drunk drivers, these include:

  • Turning widely
  • Braking erratically
  • Driving without headlights
  • Weaving, swerving, drifting out of the lanes
  • Straddling the center line
  • Responding slowly to a change in traffic signals
  • Turning abruptly
  • Accelerating or decelerating rapidly

Don't have a breathalyzer? We offer personal breathalyzers right here at Q3ATS. Looking for a professional breathalyzer? The AlcoHAWK PT500 is used by police officers to do roadside screening of potential drunk drivers.


Source: 24-7 Press Release, Approaching Holiday Season Means Increased DUI Patrols in Illinois