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Blog - - Man convicted of DUI for 14th time | AlcoHAWK Breathalyzers

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: BACtrack has acquired the AlcoHAWK brand and will now fulfill all AlcoHAWK breathalyzer calibration orders. Order breathalyzer calibration here. AlcoHAWK breathalyzers are no longer available for purchase. You can now buy AlcoHAWK breathalyzer mouthpieces here or get a new BACtrack breathalyzer.
By Quest Products Nov 18, 2009 11:35:13 AM
Daniel Munoz
Daniel Munoz

Daniel munoz, a 56-year-old man, told a judge he drove drunk despite a dozen convictions about the time his father died and his mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

“I had a lot of stuff on my mind, and I started drinking too much,” Daniel Munoz said Tuesday.

"I had a lot of stuff on my mind, and I started drinking too much." - Daniel Munoz

McHenry County Judge Joseph Condon told Munoz that alcoholics always would face triggers or stresses that they might use to justify drinking.

Condon sentenced Munoz to 10 years in prison for what a prosecutor said were his 13th and 14th drunken-driving convictions.

Munoz’ blood-alcohol level was 0.385 percent in the most recent incident.


Source: Northwest Herald;


This drunk driver needs some real help! Perhaps 10 sober years will rehabilitate the man.


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