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Blog - - Supreme Court Ruling Makes DUI Prosecutors Job Harder | AlcoHAWK Breathalyzers

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: BACtrack has acquired the AlcoHAWK brand and will now fulfill all AlcoHAWK breathalyzer calibration orders. Order breathalyzer calibration here. AlcoHAWK breathalyzers are no longer available for purchase. You can now buy AlcoHAWK breathalyzer mouthpieces here or get a new BACtrack breathalyzer.
By Quest Products Aug 10, 2009 9:33:39 AM

A new supreme court ruling has made it so that the prosecution must make a lab technician available to testify in person if the defendant demands it. As a result, some cases already have been dismissed. One state, Virginia, has called a special legislative session to change its laws. And some lawyers think the ruling will continue to have a major effect.

In a 5-4 decision, the high court said that lab reports served as “witnesses” for the prosecution. And because the 6th Amendment gives defendants a right to "be confronted with the witnesses against him," Justice Antonin Scalia said that drug defendants and others were "entitled to be confronted with the [lab] analysts at trial."

Source: Los Angeles Times;,0,420958.story


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